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Paul Verhesen Knows the Construction Business Like No Other

Paul Verhesen knows the construction business like no other. Paul is the CEO of Clark Builders, one of the largest and most successful industrial, commercial and institutional construction companies in Western Canada.  Clark Builders has been active in throughout Canada including in Toronto, Nunavut, the North-West Territories, Calgary, BC, Saskatchewan and Edmonton.V Verhesen is a bright and astute presenter. As a leader in the construction world, he is often asked to speak on a variety of related subjects.  He knows how to attract, retain and motivate employees.  He is renowned for quality control and for fostering technical innovation in construction and in business.

Since the year 2010, Clark Builders maintained its status as one of  Top 50 companies to work for in Canada. Why? Though Paul Verhesen would tell you that is on account of his employees; however much of the credit goes to his superior leadership. His presentations offer strategical and practical insights for any organization that hopes to grow and succeed through better employee management and retention.

Verhesen knows the construction business “inside out”.  He is active as the immediate Past-President of the Alberta Construction Association  and a Past- Director of the Canadian Construction Association. He has a degree in civil engineering from the University of Alberta and he is a member of Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). Paul Verhesen always donates his speaker fee to a registered Canadian charity called the Clark Builders Community Foundation . This foundation has supported a wide cross-section of charities related to homelessness, the arts, youth and education including Edmonton OperaNorthern Alberta and  NWT Junior Achievement, the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (Nait)  and the University of Alberta.

To book Paul Verhesen for an upcoming speaking engagement, please visit his profile at the Speakers Bureau of Canada’s website here.


By Roger Breault,

President of Speakers Bureau of Canada

June 6th, 2017