Primary Contact & Responsibilities
The Client Services Representative is your primary contact for all matters related to the agreement, invoicing and payment procedures.
They also logistics with each speaker for their travel, on site requirements, provide you with promotional materials and arrange the content creative meeting with the speaker.
If you require immediate assistance at any time, please contact the number in their signature.
Agreement & Payment Process
SBC has streamlined the process for the agreement and payment information.
We first send an agreement and payment questionnaire to confirm all information we have on file and collect additional information to coordinate the booking.
Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we will draft the agreement and attach it to this email thread.
We also send the logistics to the speaker to confirm information we require for technical requirements or logistics in preparation for the agreement and the engagement.
If any fields are left blank, we follow up on those items as for our next steps.
We then draft the agreement and send it to the Host Organization for their review via ZohoSign as well as a PDF version in the original email thread.
ZohoSign sends in a separate email thread, and we prefer this service, when possible, as it circulates the agreement to all parties and provides a final copy.
Agreement Negotiations & Amendments
Key areas for negotiation typically include recordings, intellectual property, and cancellations.
We ask that you kindly prepare your team that we do not accept linguistic edits that arrive at the same outcome.
Should you have questions or if negotiations arise, we recommend that you and the client services representative assigned to your file hop on a call to clarify terms, requests and streamline the process.
Payment Preferences & Process
The questionnaire will provide you with our payment terms and options.
We always hold payment on your behalf and pay speakers 7-14 days post event.
In all cases, payment is due within 7 days post-event at the maximum, with speaker payment following one week.
We ask for your support to remit payment to us on time, as late payments can affect our relationships and reputations with speakers.
Our Preferred Method of Payment is Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
In case we are already connected in your system, please search for “Speakers Bureau of Canada Inc.” We may have to update our payment contact information but please let us know if we are already set up.
We will provide you with our business and banking information and it can also be downloaded from the questionnaire.
You can also send us any form for us to be filled out to be set up in your system for EFT.
Other accepted methods are Cheque, Email Transfer, Credit Card.
Please note a 2.9% processing fee will apply for credit card payments.