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Getting Back to Nature with Brian Keating

Nature is our most precious asset. No matter what walk of life we choose to take, nature will always serve a guiding light for our spirits and our minds. Brian Keating serves as a reminder of that message. As a person who is deeply passionate about health, science, and the environment—Brian Keating has worked with many different organizations to teach a love of nature and expand wildlife projects around the world.
Keating is an excellent keynote and workshop speaker for wildlife protection agencies, park services, and education establishments looking to inspire a love of nature in their students. His presentations are engaging, inspiring, and leave an impression on individuals that far extends the event. More importantly, Brian Keating leaves guests with a desire to get back to nature and protect the earth they live and grow on every day!

Top Performing Presentations by Brian Keating
Whether you’re looking for a wildlife expert, a keynote speaker to inspire a greener future, or need to inspire students to take control of their health— Brian Keating is a great fit. Here’s a review of his most celebrated presentations.

A Natural Relationship
To highlight the concept of “Nature Deficit Disorder,” Brian Keating takes his audience on a journey to discover the importance of the natural health. With bright language and astounding visuals, Brian Keating illustrates the effects of nature of your health and psychological wellbeing.
In addition to helping guests get in touch with their own needs for nature, Brian Keating offers strategies for unplugging and getting outside. Despite his humorous nature, his impactful presentations drive a core message back to audiences: a green life is not only better for your health, it’s necessary for survival.

Cold Leadership
On the subject of leadership, Brian Keating takes audiences on a journey through his presentation Cold Leadership. The presentation walks the audience through the extraordinary Antarctic Leader Ernest Shackleton and his impact on the crew and discovery of Antarctic waters and the lessons we can take from his leadership in our own lives.

Going Wild
This spirit-lifting journey conveys the importance of protecting our wildlife spaces ad nature. An inspiring visual journey through Brian’s travels to 50 different countries on all 7 continents serves an inspiration and reminder to our peoples of all ages that our nature is worth fighting for.

No matter what your needs may be, Brian’s presentations have a universal message that allows him to move throughout multiple different industries to spread his message. Whether your management team needs a pick-me-up for their leaderships skills or you need to make a strong point to investors for your wildlife foundations, Brian Keating’s presentations will create memories that last a lifetime.
To view more of Brian Keating’s presentations, visit his speaker profile on Speakers Bureau of Canada’s website to learn more:

By Gordon Breault,
Executive Director, Speakers Bureau of Canada
Dec 14th, 2016br