Dr. Lynn Gehl

Dr. Lynn Gehl


Peterborough, Ontario

Indigenous Knowledge Keeper | Treaty Rights | Land Claims | Access & Inclusivity Expert

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Dr. Lynn Gehl was a recipient of the 2022 Governor General’s Award in Commemoration of Persons Day. She is also the recipient of the 2023 ReconciliAtion Award from Peterborough’s Community and Race Relations Committee and the Kawartha Truth and Reconciliation Support Group.

Dr. Lynn Gehl is an Algonquin Anishinaabeg scholar, advocate, and artist. She is one of eight siblings and grew up in the projects of inner-city Toronto. Dr. Lynn Gehl was born with a congenital disability and despite several surgeries and interventions today Lynn has a vision disability that affects many aspects of her life such as reading, writing, and walking. Dr. Lynn Gehl’s grandmother’s family was removed from her home community of Pikwakanagan First Nation because of sex discrimination in the Indian Act.

Relegated to the confines of inner-city project living, growing up Dr. Lynn Gehl experienced the worst of the human condition that manifests within racism, sexism, and ableism such as violence, poverty, a lack of safety, hunger, drugs, alcohol, and forced relocation. Today Dr. Lynn Gehl’s work encompasses both hard-core anti-colonial work and the joyful celebration of Indigenous knowledge. Dr. Lynn Gehl has a doctorate in Indigenous Studies, a master’s in Canadian Studies and Native Studies, a bachelor’s in Cultural Anthropology (summa cum laude), and a community college diploma in Chemical Technology. During her graduate studies, she was both an Ontario Graduate Scholar and a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Fellow.

In her twenties, Dr. Lynn Gehl began her family oral research and archival research to have members of her ancestry entitled to Indian status registration. While her grandmother and father were eventually instated, she was denied. Lynn then turned to Canada’s court system to remedy Indian and Northern Affairs Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms violation. Through this court challenge the Department of Justice spent $1 million litigating against her on the matter of unknown and unstated paternity.

After 30 years Dr. Lynn Gehl, in her late fifties, was finally registered as a status Indian and is now in a more “central” place in her ancestral community of Pikwakanagan First Nation. While Gehl v Canada resulted in a change in the Indian Act and the “Gehl remedy”, Lynn is ambivalent about her victory in part because she understands the power that the state had over her during this time, as well as she fully understands that the genocide continues in the form of both the Indian Act and the land claims process that is imposed on the Algonquin people.

Drawing on life experiences Dr. Lynn Gehl challenges Canada’s practices, policies, and laws of colonial genocide such as the Algonquin land claims and self-government process, sex discrimination in the Indian Act on the matter of unknown and unstated paternity, Canada’s lack of policy and action addressing Indigenous women and girls with disabilities who are bigger targets of sexual violence, and the further destruction of Akikpautik / Chaudière Falls–an Anishinaabeg sacred place. As a non-production-oriented artist when Dr. Lynn Gehl feels like it, she weaves wampum belts, builds petro forms, beads feathers, creates collages, and paints.

Although due to a vision disability, Dr. Lynn learned how to read and write at a later stage in life, Dr. Lynn Gehl has four books. She also has several academic contributions in journals and book chapters; 140 community contributions in magazines, websites, newspapers, and op-eds; and 150 personal blogs. Lynn is frequently called upon as an expert by various media outlets to offer commentary on Indigenous issues. Dr. Lynn Gehl has also provided testimony to the Senate, the House of Commons, and the United Nations on the rights of Indigenous women and girls regarding unknown and unstated paternity and the matter of Indigenous women and girls with disabilities who are bigger targets of sexual violence.

Dr. Lynn Gehl Related Media


TVO Today



A Woman's Fight Against the Indian Act | The Agenda


The Anglican Church of Canada



Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen lands, Strong Hearts


Lynn Gehl



Sex Discrimination, Algonquin Genocide, and Indigenous Women & Girls with Disabilities.

Dr. Lynn Gehl Related Content


A follow-up to Claiming Anishinaabe, Gehl v Canada is the story of Lynn Gehl’s lifelong journey of survival against the nation-state’s constant genocidal assault against her existence. While Canada set up its colonial powers—including the Supreme Court, House of Commons, Senate Chamber, and...


Claiming Anishinaabe: Decolonizing the Human Spirit (2017)
Claiming Anishinaabe: Decolonizing the Human Spirit (2017)
Denied her Indigenous status, Lynn Gehl has been fighting her entire life to reclaim mino-pimadiziwin--the good life. Exploring Anishinaabeg philosophy and Anishinaabeg conceptions of truth, Gehl shows how she came to locate her spirit and decolonize her identity, thereby becoming, in her words,...


The Truth that Wampum Tells: My Debwewin on the Algonquin Land Claims Process (2014)
The Truth that Wampum Tells: My Debwewin on the Algonquin Land Claims Process (2014)
In commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the Treaty at Niagara, The Truth that Wampum Tells offers readers a first-ever insider analysis of the contemporary land claims and self-government process in Canada. Incorporating an analysis of traditional symbolic literacy known as wampum diplomacy,...


Anishinaabeg Stories: Featuring Petroglyphs, Petrographs, and Wampum Belts
Anishinaabeg Stories: Featuring Petroglyphs, Petrographs, and Wampum Belts
This code cracking book is written for people who wish to become culturally literate in the Anishinaabe worldview. This book is suitable for both Anishinaabeg and settler allies seeking greater understanding of a worldview, tradition, and knowledge philosophy once criminalized by the Canadian...

Articles & Magazine Feature

Idle No More: Women Leading Action for Indigenous Rights in Canada


Idle No More (INM) is a Canadian resistance and protest indigenous people’s movement that kicked off last year. AWID spoke with Dr. Lynn Gehl* (Gii-Zhigaate Mnidookwe), an indigenous human rights advocate, about the movement.

Articles & Magazine Feature

Dr Gehl wins appeal in Indian Act sex discrimination case

Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP.

Gehl v Canada (Attorney General) is the latest in a long string of challenges to sex discrimination in the provisions of the Indian Act that govern entitlement to be registered under the Act – often called “Indian status”.

Articles & Magazine Feature

Dare to Rethink Your Preconceptions of Indigenous People, Says Author


Lynn Gehl’s latest book, Claiming Anishinaabe: Decolonizing the Human Spirit, invites readers on a conceptual journey to rethink identity, Indigenous knowledge and contradictory Canadian laws. Anchored in Gehl’s personal search for spirit, her work aims to fill in gaps between Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of thinking.

Articles & Magazine Feature

Lynn Gehl, of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation, honoured by Governor General


A member of the Pikwàkanagàn First Nation is being honoured by Canada’s Governor General. But true to her fighting spirit, Lynn Gehl doesn’t plan on sitting back after accepting the award. She plans to continue raising awareness of Indigenous issues, as she doesn’t feel reconciliation has been achieved.

Dr. Lynn Gehl Topic Presentations

Algonquin Anishinnaabeg of the Ottawa River Valley: An Introduction.

  • Virtual PresentationKeynote PresentationWorkshop SessionHalf Day TrainingFull Day Training
  • Due to Canada’s national narrative promulgated through state power gained through pilfering Indigenous land and resources  no less, many settler people and their descendants have been socialized into believing and worshipping a fiction. That being, that Canada rests on two founding nations: the British and French. This is a bold faced lie.  The reality is, that at the heart of Canada, rests the Algonquin Anishinaabeg and our traditional territory. Canada’s parliament buildings, supreme court, governor general’s residence, prime minister’s home, and most of its national galleries illegally squat on unceded Algonquin territory. This being the case while the Algonquin continue to be divided through the federal-provincial order, continue to live in squalor, and continue to be denied their land and resources in such a way that mino-pimadiziwin is not obtainable.

    Using maps and drawing from personal experience this presentation will open a window into understanding: The land and waterscapes that the Algonquin occupied at the time of European contact; Who the Algonquin were at the time of contact; The history of the French and British denial of Algonquin rights; The peace treaty relationships the Algonquin entered into with the British and how the British violated these relationships; An introduction to the Algonquin land claims process in Ontario; The continued desecration of Algonquin sacred places; And finally add commentary about the latest forked-tongue rhetoric of “nation to nation” and “reconciliation”.

Debwewin Journey: Understanding the Intelligence of the Heart

Indigenous Knowledge Vs Western Knowledge

Gehl V Canada: Unknown and Unstated Paternity and the Indian Act

Introduction To the Treaty and Land Claims Process

Allyship and Reconciliation

Intersectionality and Indigenous Women and Girls With Disabilities

Creator's First Sacred Pipe (also Known As Akikpautik / Pipe Bowl Falls / Chaudière Falls)

Dr. Lynn Gehl Speaking Testimonials

What a humbling honour and privilege to be able to read Dr. Lynn Gehl’s profound and wise contribution and take her direction regarding the vital action required of all who are committed to promoting equality and justice.

Kim Pate


Congratulations are due to Dr. Lynn Gehl for her successful challenge of the Indian Registrar’s refusal to allow her to be registered under the Indian Act. The refusal was based on the fact that because Lynn could not prove who her paternal grandfather was or that he was entitled to be registered, she could not be registered. The Court of Appeal for Ontario found that requiring her to prove the unprovable (the name of her ancestor) was unreasonable and that there was circumstantial evidence showing that he was ‘likely’ an Indian and a member of the community. On that basis she had established all she could or needed to, and it was unreasonable of the Registrar to demand more. The...

Murray Sinclair

The Honourable

Dr. Lynn Gehl is at the cutting edge with her concepts and ideas. She is on a journey and she documents it well.

Lorelei Anne Lambert

I am so grateful to have been able to sit with Lynn to learn more about Algonquin knowledge, history and ways of being. As an Algonquin Kwe, I am humbled to know Lynn provided essential learning to staff at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. Educators are looking for ways to include Algonquin perspectives and knowledge in their classrooms and Lynn was able to provide context and content to support them in doing this. The research, presentation and sharing Lynn provided was very much appreciated and valued. Chi-Miigwech Lynn!

Jody Kohoko

Having the opportunity to hear Dr. Gehl speak about the rich history and contemporary perspectives of the Algonquin has further opened my eyes to the deep learning that we all have a responsibility to. Her approach is engaging; feedback from educators was unanimously positive. Her talk and Q&A enriched our understanding for what and how to centre Algonquin voices in K-12 education. Dr. Gehl’s work is very important in learning the truths that must precede, and be the foundation of, reconciliation. She offers very important accounts, understandings, ideas, and perspectives that can inform us all. We look forward to continuing to learn from Dr Gehl.

Kyl Morrison

Indigenous Education Instructional Coach K-12
unceded, unsurrendered Algonquin Territory

We were so, so grateful to have you join us. You are a gifted speaker. I hope your travel home went well and I look forward to meeting again!

Lindsey Kirby-McGregor

Program Manager Indigenous Relations - Indigenous Relations Branch
City of Ottawa

Dr. Lynn Gehl Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Lynn Gehl Keynote Speaker delivers customized and tailored keynote presentations, workshops, and training sessions on a wide variety of topics. Each presentation is unique and are designed for a variety of audiences, industries, conferences, and event formats.

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How to book Dr. Lynn Gehl for an event?

Dr. Lynn Gehl keynote speaker is an expert presenter and has a wide range of experience speaking to a wide variety of audiences and organizations. Dr. Lynn Gehl delivers keynotes, workshops & training sessions. They may also host or emcee events. Hire Dr. Lynn Gehl from Peterborough, Ontario for your event to inspire the audience to take action and make change in their work and their lives. Your workplace will benefit from our keynote speaker and their keynote talks and speeches will shift the mindsets or behaviours for the audience members in Canada. 

Interested in booking Dr. Lynn Gehl for an event?

Are you looking to hire Dr. Lynn Gehl for your event? Dr. Lynn Gehl Peterborough, Ontario is a dynamic and engaging speaker that offers audiences researched content paired with expertise and a dynamic speaking ability. Dr. Lynn Gehl is also a Canadian corporate consultant and coach and facilitates workshops and training sessions for a corporate audience. Dr. Lynn Gehl is an expert keynote presenter and speaks on wide variety of topics. Hiring a great speaker for your event is important and working with a thought leader like Dr. Lynn Gehl from Speakers Canada's roster will engage audiences into the content of the presentation to bring awareness and a fresh perspective for their approach to their work and their lives. Book Dr. Lynn Gehl to educate, motivate and activate the audience through an interactive and entertaining presentation at corporate meetings and gatherings.

Known as a popular key note speaker in Canada, Dr. Lynn Gehl creates life changing experiences for the participants with practical insights and strategic advice they can implement right after the session. Working with one of our leading expert speaker like Dr. Lynn Gehl from Peterborough, Ontario offers organizations a fresh perspective to assist the people of the organization. No matter if it is a government, association, or business crowd, Dr. Lynn Gehl is a perfect speaker for your event. Through unique practical insights for trending topics and years experience speaking to different organizations, Dr. Lynn Gehl focuses on changing individuals to make better decisions at work and their lives. No matter if you are holding an in person or virtual event, having an influential speaker such as Dr. Lynn Gehl will engage, motivate, and activate the audience to make a change in their lives and inspire action for results to meet organizational goals. Your workforce will benefit from Dr. Lynn Gehl's presentations and speeches, with measurable results set to shift the people of the organization and core direction of the company. Book Dr. Lynn Gehl speaker for your annual general meeting, conference, summit, or convention in Canada.

How much does it cost to hire Dr. Lynn Gehl for a keynote presentation or virtual event?

Dr. Lynn Gehl is an expert professional key note speaker with a lot of experience speaking and delivering engaging talks to organizations and audiences in Canada. Each of Speaker Bureau Canada's talent have different ways to assess their fees, and Dr. Lynn Gehl speaker fee ranges depending on the size of the audience, event format (in person or virtual), event location, and if the organization booking them is a non profit, association, government department/government agency or business/corporation. The speakers we work with are flexible with their fees, and it is important for us to learn more about your event before we approach them, as it is our role to work for you, and to help you find a speaker within budget. 

Please contact Speakers Bureau of Canada and provide us with your event details so that we can contact Dr. Lynn Gehl to check availability or confirm the pricing and associated costs to hire a great speaker like Dr. Lynn Gehl for your event. As Dr. Lynn Gehl's agent and as a Canadian top speaker bureau and talent agency for speakers, we are able to propose each event opportunity from each host organization's behalf to try to help you get in touch with Dr. Lynn Gehl and confirm them for your in person or online meeting/event. We can also provide and advise on the booking process and potentially negotiate their fee. Speakers Canada is a client focused speaker agency, and we work for you in finding good speakers for your team meetings and booking processes.

Dr. Lynn Gehl Disclaimer

Speakers Bureau Canada assists companies and event planning teams seeking to hire talent like Dr. Lynn Gehl for speaking engagements, virtual meetings, conference appearances, training sessions and workshops facilitations. Our Canadian speakers bureau does not claim to exclusively represent Dr. Lynn Gehl, however they are represented by Speakers Canada, and we work with them closely for their Canadian speaking opportunities and bookings. As Canada's top speaker bureau, we represent Canadian motivational keynote speakers and professional guest speakers that will be available on your upcoming events date and location that are withing the budget. Our talented bureau speaker booking agency can help find business speakers or celebrity speakers that aligns with each organization, audience, event theme and the topic themes you hope for the speaker to address in their presentation. 

When SBC receives a request to book Dr. Lynn Gehl we provide you with their speaker fees, travel costs and check their schedules. We work closely with the host organization's event planning team and the speaker to handle the logistics and to relay or negotiate associated costs. Our talented team members then will work with our talent directly or their agent/manager/assistant to confirm the Canadian speaker fee and travel expenses, so that event planning teams can receive an official quote for the speaker appearing at the event. Speaker fees and travel costs vary per speaker and our role is to contact Dr. Lynn Gehl about your event, after we have connected with the event organizers to learn all the event details and/or conference program. Each booking request is unique since session durations and audience sizes can vary which may affect the speaker's fees. If you are looking to hire Dr. Lynn Gehl, we recommend filling out the booking request form so a booking agent from Speakers Bureau Canada can get in touch with our talent to help you coordinate with your team to engage the speaker for a successful event.