Spencer Beach

Spencer Beach


Edmonton, Alberta

Burn Survivor | Safety Culture And Workplace Safety Expert

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The words “get it done” have taken on a new meaning for Spencer Beach. They were among the last instructions he received from his employer on April 24, 2003, at a routine job site in Edmonton’s Rutherford neighbourhood. Beach, a floor layer by trade, was there to replace a linoleum floor because the homeowner didn’t like the colour of the original. It was a job he had performed many times and he knew the risks well, especially those involved with using a highly toxic solvent called Roberts 1901, used to dissolve the adhesive that held the linoleum to the subflooring.

Once inside the home, Spencer Beach began, as he always did, by turning down the furnace and opening the doors and windows for ventilation. Although he should have been wearing leather gloves to protect his hands, he opted to leave the gloves under the seat of his car because they left his hands hot and sweaty, making it difficult to manipulate his tools. For the next few hours, he focused on the task at hand. Every so often the wind would shut one of the doors and he’d have to stop what he was doing, get up and open it again. Anxious to finish work for the day, Beach looked forward to planning a stag party for a good friend later that night.

With only 12 square feet of flooring near the home’s front entrance to finish before calling it a day, Spencer Beach closed the front door. At the same time, he heard the door to the garage – which he had opened earlier that day – blow shut. Knowing he would be finished in the next 15 minutes or so, he decided that it wasn’t worth worrying about. He was wrong. Seconds later, he was immediately surrounded by flames after hearing a heard a loud explosion. He reached for the door handle in front of him, but the fire had created a vacuum inside the house and the door wouldn’t budge. Blinded by the scorching heat, Beach ran down the hallway toward the laundry room and eventually found the door to the garage. It wouldn’t budge, either.

By now, he could smell his hair and clothes burning and feel the skin on his face tightening around his bones. He ran back to the front door and pulled desperately on it, but it still wouldn’t open. The fire raging inside the house was now at 1,500 degrees and Beach could feel his skin bubbling from the heat.

No more than 20 seconds had passed since the explosion. Beach, unable to get either of the doors to open, curled into a ball on the floor and prepared for death. He distinctly remembers a feeling of peace and a sense that time was slowing down. But he also remembers thinking of his wife, Tina, who was four months pregnant, and the burden that his death would place on his family. And so, one last time, he reached for the now red-hot door handle and pulled with everything he had. This time it opened, and Beach fell several feet into a pile of highly flammable construction garbage, including the linoleum flooring he had just removed. Now completely engulfed in flames, he stood up and ran down the driveway. Two-thirds of the way down it, he collapsed.

A man standing at the end of the driveway turned his garden hose on Spencer, and a woman, a nurse, knelt beside him and told him an ambulance was on its way. Beach told the nurse to contact his pregnant wife and make her aware of the accident. He could smell charred flesh. His lips felt swollen and strange. He wondered about his fingers, his toes and his ears. “My life is over,” he remembers thinking to himself.

For the next six weeks, Spencer Beach remained in a medically induced coma at the Firefighters Burn Treatment Unit at the University of Alberta Hospital. After that, he had to overcome months of surgeries, an addiction to painkillers and an overwhelming feeling of depression.  The doctors stapled 90 percent of his body with Cadaver skin. Only the skin on his groin, knees and the bottom of his feet survived the fire.

Spencer Beach has reinvented himself as a motivational speaker, working to encourage employees and employers to operate safely. He believes that the provincial legislation identifies all strategic and education knowledge for employers. The challenge, he says, is getting employers – all of them – to truly take the issue of workplace safety seriously. Spencer Beach has presented to multiple organizations in North America. His story is one that audience members never forget. Beach’s storytelling ability draws audience members into his personal struggles along his journey. His presentations are straight from the heart, and he does not leave any truth uncovered in his story of recovery and survival.

Spencer Beach Related Media

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Spencer Beach Related Content

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Spencer Beach Topic Presentations

Workforce: Get It Done Safely

  • Virtual PresentationKeynote PresentationWorkshop SessionHalf Day TrainingFull Day Training
  • “Get it Done Safely” has a profound effect on everyone who experiences it! Spencer Beach uses the story of his injury to show how he could have embraced safety and prevented his incident’s harmful effects on family and friends. He shows the audience how they could suffer the same kind of pain, suffering, loss and disabling effects from simple mistakes, and how easily it is to avoid such hardship by embracing safety.

    “Get it Done Safely” is finely tailored to improve the use, understanding and importance of any organization’s safety system, the safety culture at work and the individual’s role in safety at home. This presentation will have an immediate and lasting impact on all levels of your organization.

    Duration: 60-90 minutes

Safety: Do or Do Not. There Is No Try

Turn Your Demons Into Diamonds

Forged in the Heart of Fire

Tailored Health Care Presentations

Tailored Educational Presentations

Customized & Tailored Presentations for Your Event

Spencer Beach Speaking Testimonials

Saw your presentation Thursday afternoon at Darlington. I’ve told many of my friends about you & your story. Truly inspiring.

Nick Lalli

Darlington Nuclear

Had the opportunity to hear Spencer’s story at Darlington Nuclear today. Thank-you for sharing your message of safety with us.

Richard Kennedy

Darlington Nuclear

What an amazing story. Your strength and resilience are a lesson to all of us.

Maria De Lorenzi

Educational Assistant

What an incredible Keynote. I have never heard a room full of people so hushed after a presentation. Thank you!

Darryl Drohomerski’s

Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Drumheller

Spencer Beach Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Spencer Beach Keynote Speaker delivers customized and tailored keynote presentations, workshops, and training sessions on a wide variety of topics. Each presentation is unique and are designed for a variety of audiences, industries, conferences, and event formats.

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How to book Spencer Beach for an event?

Spencer Beach keynote speaker is an expert presenter and has a wide range of experience speaking to a wide variety of audiences and organizations. Spencer Beach delivers keynotes, workshops & training sessions. They may also host or emcee events. Hire Spencer Beach from Edmonton, Alberta for your event to inspire the audience to take action and make change in their work and their lives. Your workplace will benefit from our keynote speaker and their keynote talks and speeches will shift the mindsets or behaviours for the audience members in Canada. 

Interested in booking Spencer Beach for an event?

Are you looking to hire Spencer Beach for your event? Spencer Beach Edmonton, Alberta is a dynamic and engaging speaker that offers audiences researched content paired with expertise and a dynamic speaking ability. Spencer Beach is also a Canadian corporate consultant and coach and facilitates workshops and training sessions for a corporate audience. Spencer Beach is an expert keynote presenter and speaks on wide variety of topics. Hiring a great speaker for your event is important and working with a thought leader like Spencer Beach from Speakers Canada's roster will engage audiences into the content of the presentation to bring awareness and a fresh perspective for their approach to their work and their lives. Book Spencer Beach to educate, motivate and activate the audience through an interactive and entertaining presentation at corporate meetings and gatherings.

Known as a popular key note speaker in Canada, Spencer Beach creates life changing experiences for the participants with practical insights and strategic advice they can implement right after the session. Working with one of our leading expert speaker like Spencer Beach from Edmonton, Alberta offers organizations a fresh perspective to assist the people of the organization. No matter if it is a government, association, or business crowd, Spencer Beach is a perfect speaker for your event. Through unique practical insights for trending topics and years experience speaking to different organizations, Spencer Beach focuses on changing individuals to make better decisions at work and their lives. No matter if you are holding an in person or virtual event, having an influential speaker such as Spencer Beach will engage, motivate, and activate the audience to make a change in their lives and inspire action for results to meet organizational goals. Your workforce will benefit from Spencer Beach's presentations and speeches, with measurable results set to shift the people of the organization and core direction of the company. Book Spencer Beach speaker for your annual general meeting, conference, summit, or convention in Canada.

How much does it cost to hire Spencer Beach for a keynote presentation or virtual event?

Spencer Beach is an expert professional key note speaker with a lot of experience speaking and delivering engaging talks to organizations and audiences in Canada. Each of Speaker Bureau Canada's talent have different ways to assess their fees, and Spencer Beach speaker fee ranges depending on the size of the audience, event format (in person or virtual), event location, and if the organization booking them is a non profit, association, government department/government agency or business/corporation. The speakers we work with are flexible with their fees, and it is important for us to learn more about your event before we approach them, as it is our role to work for you, and to help you find a speaker within budget. 

Please contact Speakers Bureau of Canada and provide us with your event details so that we can contact Spencer Beach to check availability or confirm the pricing and associated costs to hire a great speaker like Spencer Beach for your event. As Spencer Beach's agent and as a Canadian top speaker bureau and talent agency for speakers, we are able to propose each event opportunity from each host organization's behalf to try to help you get in touch with Spencer Beach and confirm them for your in person or online meeting/event. We can also provide and advise on the booking process and potentially negotiate their fee. Speakers Canada is a client focused speaker agency, and we work for you in finding good speakers for your team meetings and booking processes.

Spencer Beach Disclaimer

Speakers Bureau Canada assists companies and event planning teams seeking to hire talent like Spencer Beach for speaking engagements, virtual meetings, conference appearances, training sessions and workshops facilitations. Our Canadian speakers bureau does not claim to exclusively represent Spencer Beach, however they are represented by Speakers Canada, and we work with them closely for their Canadian speaking opportunities and bookings. As Canada's top speaker bureau, we represent Canadian motivational keynote speakers and professional guest speakers that will be available on your upcoming events date and location that are withing the budget. Our talented bureau speaker booking agency can help find business speakers or celebrity speakers that aligns with each organization, audience, event theme and the topic themes you hope for the speaker to address in their presentation. 

When SBC receives a request to book Spencer Beach we provide you with their speaker fees, travel costs and check their schedules. We work closely with the host organization's event planning team and the speaker to handle the logistics and to relay or negotiate associated costs. Our talented team members then will work with our talent directly or their agent/manager/assistant to confirm the Canadian speaker fee and travel expenses, so that event planning teams can receive an official quote for the speaker appearing at the event. Speaker fees and travel costs vary per speaker and our role is to contact Spencer Beach about your event, after we have connected with the event organizers to learn all the event details and/or conference program. Each booking request is unique since session durations and audience sizes can vary which may affect the speaker's fees. If you are looking to hire Spencer Beach, we recommend filling out the booking request form so a booking agent from Speakers Bureau Canada can get in touch with our talent to help you coordinate with your team to engage the speaker for a successful event.